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Cointract establishes a strategic partnership with Aktionariat


The majority of Swiss companies have no access to the stock exchange. To improve their access to liquidity, Aktionariat and Cointract are joining forces. This also opens up exciting investment opportunities for investors in new asset classes on the blockchain.

Cointract Crypto Trading App - Neue Partnerschaft: Kooperation mit Aktionariat

Knutwil, 25.07.2023 - Currently, only about 230 of more than 500,000 Swiss companies are listed on the stock exchange. Aktionariat has recognised that markets work best when they are free and open. With the help of the latest legal and technical developments, Aktionariat creates the conditions for SMEs to generate a liquid market for their shares.

Aktionariat enables trading company shares directly with potential investors - without any intermediary parties. The automated market maker (brokerbot) enables a reliable market price and increases liquidity. Swiss companies thereby acquire easier access to liquid funds, can include their employees in the company and turn their community into shareholders. On the other hand, it gives small investors access to new and interesting investment opportunities.

As of 2024, Aktionariat's SME tokens will be listed in Cointract's trading app. This will give Cointract users the opportunity to acquire ERC-20 tokens from their preferred Swiss companies and thus co-finance them. For users of Aktionariat's toolset, this opens up another distribution channel through which they can supply their tokens.

Cointract is looking forward to the cooperation with Aktionariat.

About Cointract

Cointract AG pursues the goal of making blockchain technology accessible to everyone and enabling investors to invest in new asset classes in the simplest possible way. The smartphone app for crypto trading, which was specially developed for this purpose, allows users to automate trading in digital assets through buy and sell rules. In addition, Cointract users can earn attractive interest on stablecoins. True to the Swiss DNA, transparency and security are top priorities. Cointract AG is regulated in Switzerland and holds a financial intermediary licence from the VQF - Verein zur Qualitätssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen, Zug.

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